Station House Nursery

  1. Welcome
  2. Come and Visit Us

Come and Visit!

We welcome you, as current and prospective parents to visit us at Station House Nursery at any time. We have an open door policy, where no appointment is necessary to come and have a look around, or you are more than welcome to give us a call to arrange a visit!

Whether it be: a first look around the nursery, to see our rooms, activities and resources; or as a current parent, to pop in to join your child as they have their tea or to watch them as they learn, grow and develop with their friends at nursery – we will always be happy to see you!

To ensure a safe and secure environment and to safeguard our children, we have a Face Recognition system on our front door. Current parents will be invited by a practitioner to register their face on the system to enable instant access between the hours of 7.30am and 6.30pm (Mon-Fri) and to enable staff to share uninterrupted time with the children throughout the day.

For prospective parents, extended family and visitors there is a doorbell at the front door. This can be used to alert a member of staff of your presence, who will come and greet you, confirm your identity and welcome you in! A Sign-In book is also located in our Reception to ensure we are aware of everyone present in the Nursery in case of an emergency.

"This is our Happy Place"